To Veil or not to Veil..

Steven Khalil - Constance Veil
For some brides a veil is absolutely everything - makes or breaks a dress and a wedding is not complete without one. For some other brides it's an outdated tradition that should be in the bin with the garter toss. So what is the deal with veils? Putting aside aesthetics, veils have been around for literally ancient Greek times and have so many
meanings for so many different cultures. I will spare you all the history lesson and skip ahead to more recent times! The overall meaning of a veil is basically to demonstrate purity - much like wearing the colour white. In other cultures it also acted like a disguise from negative spirits. My favourite story from this time was that the family of the bride to be married would switch out the bride for a more unfortunate looking relative so then the husband to be wouldn't know until the deed was done - olden days were great hey?! 

Nowadays, these meanings are more taken over by the aesthetics and personal style of the bride. A veil can be used to elevate any dress and any look, looking absolutely cracking in photos and can actually offer a little bit of cover for you. Not into it? Yes that will break the heart of any bridal consultant but there are so many alternatives to a veil which can make just as big of a statement!

To Veil..

Madame Tulle - Natalia Veil
For myself personally, I love putting veils on brides especially when they are so close to saying yes to their dress. It kind of seals the deal, makes the mum cry and really brings everything together. Veils come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, so it's definitely important to have a play around with lengths and textures. The basic shapes of veils are fingertip, blusher veil (the piece over the front), cathedral length, elbow length, floor length and even a birdcage veil. Usually veils will be made with tulle but you can also find silk tulle (personal fav of mine), lace and even chiffon if you want a more opaque look. 
Along with all of this you will need to have a think about details - whether that be sparkles, pearls, lace trim, dew drops (thank you Sofia Ritchie), appliques and even personalised embroidery (thank you Hailey Bieber). Oh and then also colour if you want - blushes, champagnes, ivory, whites etc. Veils don't take any where near as long as dresses to be made so once you make your decision on a dress - scour Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration on what could work with your dress. Etsy is a great place to find really unique and interesting veils. At the end of the day - choose something that makes your heart happy!

...Not to Veil

Zavana Couture - ZC293

Veils just not sparking joy for you?


When I first started working in the bridal industry I laughed at the thought of wings. Now? I'm in love! They make such a statement and look STUNNING coming down the aisle and in photos. You can go for a more whimsical look with billowing tulle wings or go bold and glamorous with sparkles and other embellishments! 


I am a sucker for a good cape! I think ever since Lily Collins' full lace cape I have been such a stan for it. It definitely takes the right dress and cape combo to get it to not look novelty but my gosh when it is done right...*chefs kiss*. A beautiful long, billowing tulle cape can either elevate a boho/whimsical look or top off a glamorous dress. This also provides that really cool "second" look or reception change without having to buy a whole new dress.

LUV Bridal - Phoebe


Bows are back in baby! They were huge a few years ago and is looking like its going to be big again as a predicted 2024 trend (yay!). Either adorned on the back of the dress or as a head piece - this feature adds such a coolness and modern twist to your looks. I love the look of a tulle bow in the hair or a bow attached to the back of a dress that extends down making a train. BEAUTIFUL!
Etsy - GlamourBrideUSA

I hope I have given you some inspiration and ideas - whether you love a veil or whether you are wanting something unique and different. There are so so many options out there so make sure to do all of your research! The veil/other piece are always so hard to choose but draw inspiration from places like Pinterest and Etsy and I am sure that whatever you come up with will look amazing! 

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